"Ultimate Office" - This is one of my very first projects using FormZ. It was our Ultimate Office. What would our office look like if it could be anything. Some went extreme, but I went with something that is actually possible. We were directed to include a product show room, reception desk, an office, a meeting area, and then anything else we desired that would fit in the required area.
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"Educational Exhibit" - This is one of my beginning assignments. We had to conduct a 10 x 20 exhibit that would be put in the middle of a museum. I was assigned color and light. So the floor would be light up different colors, and the walls would be made of glass to be able to see through. There are mirrors that catch the light differently that reflects a different image back. Things to be able to interact with, read, and look at.
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"Chuckle" - Assignment was to choose one word and a photo that corresponds with that word. "Chuckle" When I look at this photo, really looking at the little boy, seeing how happy he is just makes me chuckle.
"Vision" - A graphic design assignment to choose a word and a picture that reflects it. Vision, to me its you can see the glass half empty or half full. I really like this picture because it is a different way to see the glass half empty or half full, by being divided vertically and not horizontally.
"The Beatles" - This would be a CD case for The Greatest Hits of The Beatles. Starting with the first image is the back and the two following pages would be the insert, front and back. It would be an accordion fold to fit in the front of the cover.
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Fall 2010
Emma Christen
Marketing Specialist / Exhibit Designer Dacula, GA