Photo-Alphabet Poster - This was an exercise in spotting typographic figures in the real world and transforming them into recognizable figures in a themed piece. The majority of the figures I saw were on or near the ground so I chose to put them in a gutter like scenario after the rain.
Goudy Old Style Type Specimen Poster - This was an exercise in research a particular type face and creating a type specimen poster from it. This utilized Goudy Old Style and I created an old book page border entirely out of of traced Goudy Old Style type figures to create the pattern around the page.
Typographic Pattern - This exercise was in creating pattern using only typography.
Typographic Pattern - This exercise was in creating pattern using only typography.
Name Tattoo - A simple exercise in creating a tattoo like form using only letters from your name.
Prescription Classroom Rules - This project was to create iconography that described the classroom rules of No Eating, Drinking, Cellphone, or Facebooking. I then applied them to prescription labels as a way to take care of the lab as opposed to a strict warning if-then statement.
Prescription Classroom Rules - This project was to create iconography that described the classroom rules of No Eating, Drinking, Cellphone, or Facebooking. I then applied them to prescription labels as a way to take care of the lab as opposed to a strict warning if-then statement.
Prescription Classroom Rules - This project was to create iconography that described the classroom rules of No Eating, Drinking, Cellphone, or Facebooking. I then applied them to prescription labels as a way to take care of the lab as opposed to a strict warning if-then statement.
Prescription Classroom Rules - This project was to create iconography that described the classroom rules of No Eating, Drinking, Cellphone, or Facebooking. I then applied them to prescription labels as a way to take care of the lab as opposed to a strict warning if-then statement.
Prescription Classroom Rules - This project was to create iconography that described the classroom rules of No Eating, Drinking, Cellphone, or Facebooking. I then applied them to prescription labels as a way to take care of the lab as opposed to a strict warning if-then statement.
3 Frame Storytelling Advertisement - This was an exercise in storytelling using three frames that was supposed to be witty and humorous while also being applied to a possible advertisement.
3 Frame Storytelling - This was an exercise in storytelling using three frames that was supposed to be witty and humorous and deliver the Ah-HA moment.
3 Frame Storytelling Advertisement - This was an exercise in storytelling using three frames that was supposed to be witty and humorous and deliver the Ah-HA moment.
Academic Work