A scary fantasy scarab, the enemy of the game.

OARAPH is a game made for the "Game Production" seminar of my university course. We set us a ambitious goal: We would make a 3D game with a cartoonish look in Unity and create the main assets ourselves.

Thus Oaraph is one of the best-looking games I´ve worked on. I contributed to the project in very diverse roles: I was writer, character designer, 2D and 3D artist, sound designer and scrum manager. I modeled and sculpted the player character in Autodesk Mudbox, did the UV-unwrapping and texturing of the enemy-model in 3dsMax and Mudbox and even played an egyptian god as a voice actor!

With this project we all learned how hard it is to actually make a 3D third-person game more or less from scratch. But we also learned to cooperate as a team using Scrum and the workstages of creating a 3D character. Even tough the end result was a bit buggy, I´m still quite proud of it and very glad for the learning opportunity.

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Freelance, Full-time
Fabian Fauser
Game Designer Bayreuth, Germany