Bambina, pizza delivery - I kept only the "hand-scripted" part. The rest was very much "made-by-a-child". But this pizza place is very fancy, and expensive, so I tried to put a touch of class, but much more like an old style. Particulary I like this work because of it's story.
Multiplex cinema theaters - A huge brazilian cinema theaters company had absolutelly no visual Identity. I came with this Idea and was the one that they liked most. Basically that's it.
OGI diseño - A furniture company based in Spain. While I was living in Valencia and working at Pentagraph, I created this new logo for the company. The Idea was to make it freshier and up-to-date. The fluid form of the logo should transmit more flexibility and inovation.
Sol Maior (Music School) - That's it, the name explain everything. "Sol" = Sun in portuguese is the note from the musical scale.
Ciclo Design - Logo (Concept presentation) for a furniture company that works with recicled material.
ATVs motor company
Ice Fresh - Tooth paste
Ello Magazine - Logo for a Magazine
Quadrilander - ATV brand for Acellera Motors
Fred Breslau
Passionate design Bauru, Brazil