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Welcome page
Dreams creator
Voting app on Facebook
Gallery of created dreams
Examples of created dreams
Campaign - screening
The traffic was supported by SEO campaign leading to the blog - www.koniecswiata.pl - discussing different theories of the world's end with practical tips what to do before and after the apocalypse.
Marzenia Ziemniaka

Contest for Lay's - the participants' task was to create and name a dream for Potato in a "dream creator" application. The jury chose the best dreams daily and awarded one outstanding work every weekend. Fans could also vote for the best ones via Lay's fanpage.
70 days / 1,150,000 real users / avg. 5,5 min per user / over 252k entries / 78k fans gained.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Piotrek Gardocki
Copywriter, Creative, Content Creator Warszawa, Poland