Mahjong is a serious game in its skill and strategy, is played by strong-willed characters, and tends to be played for many hours straight. Existing mahjong tables are contradictorily weak and impermanent. This mahjong table complements the nature of the game, with form and materials that are serious their structure and permanence.
Mahjong is a serious game in its skill and strategy, is played by strong-willed characters, and tends to be played for many hours straight. Existing mahjong tables are contradictorily weak and impermanent. This mahjong table complements the nature of the game, with form and materials that are serious their structure and permanence.
Mahjong is a serious game in its skill and strategy, is played by strong-willed characters, and tends to be played for many hours straight. Existing mahjong tables are contradictorily weak and impermanent. This mahjong table complements the nature of the game, with form and materials that are serious their structure and permanence.
Mahjong Table

Serious Mahjong

Geoffrey Cooper
Product + Interactive Designer Pasadena, CA