Tops & Jars

These two concepts were developed for french crystal company Baccarat. The brief was simple : Make a showpiece for the Salone in Milan to celebrate the 170th anniversary of the Harcourt Glass.

With the JARS I wanted to go back to basics. Sometimes the simplest things are a true luxury. Here I wanted to make an object that could speak about this. Something that could could be personalized in order to carry a real emotional value. We all have our favourite recipes only our loved ones can make. In my case a jar of my aunt’s own pickles is something I look forward to every christmas.

With TOPS I wanted to bring the Harcourt glass into the Kitchen. Crystal is actually studier than regular glass, it can also be mended if chipped and resists well to hot liquids. So I developed a collection of objects meant to be grafted onto the glass to give it new functions. A lemon squeezer, a tea infuser, a pestle and a cocktail strainer.

Guillaume Noiseux
Industrial Designer Montreal, PQ