Basement Stair & Children's Ministry - The staircase opening brings natural light down into the basement. A small lounge outside of the children's ministry area creates an area for conversation and waiting. When entering the child care area, children will feel comforted by the warm and bright color pallet.
Multi-purpose room - This large room in the basement could be used for small conferences, church leadership meetings, set up with tables for small dinners, or open for use by the community.
Connections Cafe - This space would be open for fellowship after and before services, but could also be used at any time for small meetings between friends or study buddies. The large atrium space breaks up the exterior to make the building more open and inviting to the neighborhood.
Foyer & Welcome Area - Upon entering the church you will be greeted by this sculptural and modern staircase that wraps all three floors together to create a sense of continuity. A modern interpretation of stained glass adds contemporary design in a classic way.
Sanctuary - The Sanctuary has been wiped clean of its ornamentation and painted white and grey to accentuate the architecture, create a contemporary feel, and be more inviting.
Sanctuary - This large space is now a contemporary church that appeals to many.
Apartment building & Community space - Modern kitchen design in the apartment of the pastor and his family.
Apartment building & Community space - A comfortable and inviting community space for game nights, small group meetings, parties, or studying.
Basement Plan - The basement of New Life Church would consist of a large meeting room for church events or community meetings. There is also a large kitchen, children's ministry area, classrooms, and offices
1st Level Plan - The first level of the church includes a large foyer with monumental staircase that wraps all three stories together, the main sanctuary separated with a NanaWall to make use for larger gatherings, and a cafe for after services and during the week as well. The first level of the apartment building has a 3 bedroom for the pastor and his family as well as a community space for small group meetings, games, and studying.
2nd Level Plan - The second level of the church has a prayer room, youth area, and a large tech booth that cantilevers over the sanctuary for full control of lights and sound. The second level of the apartments consists of two 3 bedrooms for multiple college students or families.
3rd Level Plan - The third level of the apartment building as a 1 bedroom and two 2 bedroom apartments. This building has different types of apartments to cater to different types of people with different situations. They could be rented out to missionaries for short periods of time, or to families who are struggling financially at a lower cost.
Thesis: New Life Community Church

A renovation of an old cathedral to become the 16th New Life location in Chicago. The space is designed to be inviting, comfortable, and to foster community. This building is finding a new life of its own while people are coming here to possibly find a new start as well.