Initial Form Board for Inspiration and Design Directon
1st Proposal Drawings of design, concept and the brand Dory.
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Final Design Proposal, after further development and modelling using Pro-lab.
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Final Proposal Drawings showing internal mouldings of injection moulded product.
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Form and User Board
Scenario Board explaining the need for Dory and how to use the product.

During my 2nd year at University we were given the brief to design an electronic product with the capability of being upgraded to create additional revenue.
Importantly the device had to provide a service that could not be met effectively by a smartphone app.
As a keen scuba diver I chose to design an electronic log book that would be waterproof and durable for use on a dive boat.
The project involved constant ideation using form and user boards for inspiration, to help focus the product and make it suited to a particular user group as well as to give an indication of how the final design might look.
Following concept generation blue foam and cardboard models were produced to aid development and ergonomic considerations before making an appearance model using Pro-Lab.
Methods of manufacture, materials and internal mouldings were also considered and designed where needed.

Hannah Sage
Industrial Designer Monmouth, United Kingdom