CHRISTMAS TWIRLER (2009) - Creative way how to wake up child in us during magical time of christmas.
THONIE (2008) - Thonie can serve for comfortable sitting or even for relaxation. Moreover, it can be easily changed to fit different functions. It can be used as taburets or even soften a firm base. Surface of the pillows has fine decoration, that represents a skelet of Thonet chairs from different points of view. This ornament aims to honour Thonet avoiding an archaic effect.
ECO-BOWL (2007) - The elasticity of the joining material - the foam rubber - that enabled close connection of bottle elements, forms a concave shape in the final object. This offers by the lampshade an ideal space for placing a bulb. For a bowl, to advance the firmness of the shape, a thinner foam rubber was exchanged for the thicker background sheet. Final products beside their primary function can also represent one's attitude.
ECO-LAMPS (2007) - This work was about exploration of an artistic way to evaluate and reuse at least some part of our constantly growing garbage. Use of multiples of visually unattractive elements / upper parts of plastic bottles/ created a structure that catches attention and distracts from the fact that it is largely derived from consumer waste.
BOWL (2004) - Modest shape and smart principle (exchangable inner decoration) change a trivial piece of plexiglass into a valuable product.
PACKAGE FOR TEA (2006) - The tea package not only shelters a tea bag, but also raises the magic of the moment spent with a cup of a warm drink. It is designed in two versions: from handmade paper as a present and a commercial one for presentation or brand advertising.
BOOKMARKS (2005) - Let be taken into the story by the bookmarks, matching exactly with the genre you are just reading. The special version with a pen allows making notes whenever the inspiration comes.
CARILLON (2007) - "Welcome to Kosice" was the main topic of the workshop. I got inspired by a carillon and the Urban bell in the center of the city. I find that bells make symbols of joy and happiness. They are signs that Kosice gladly offers itself for a uropean Capital of Culture. For a delightful visit, old issues or sadness should be left behind on a coat rack. I have made this hanger to make that suggestion and to say, "Enjoy the heart of Kosice!"
(S)WITCHY (2006) - The goal of this toy was to encourage the favorite routine activity of an autistic boy - turning the light-switch on and off. In the toy a similar, repetitive movement leads to a new, but reassuring, sensory experience. The connection between the switch action and the light going on and off indicates an enjoyment of cause and effect. The toy could be a way to encourage that interest as his actions produce clicking sound and movement of wings .
NO(i)SY (2006) - The main purpose of these toys was to minimize an autistic girl's compulsion to scratch her face while giving her hands a creative and entertaining activity. The girls' interest in music and sounds led me to a constructive design for her to enjoy. That's how these cheerful puppets were born! A bear with a clicking nose and a bird eating a worm need her involvement to come to life.
SMILY (2006) - When looking at classical musical instruments, most of them make us feel great respect rather then some xheerful feeling. And this was the main impulse for me, to make something smily and expressive, what would symbolize positive role of music in our lives.
LIGHT OBJECT (2004) - The main principle lies in the combination of two functions: light and "table" function. Light source is in the pyramid - shaped part, which positioning affects character of light from intensive bright to moody soft one.
EASY VASE (2008)
FLYP shelves (2008)
TICTACTOE (2008) - inspired by blind children I wanted to make simple game feasible for everyone. The only difference to traditional TicTacToe is the way of taking turns: instead of drawing X's and O's, players just press the wooden cylinders. Players face the playing board from opposite sides, so each player's pegs are pusher in opposite direction. So it can be played by blind children and the others as well :) offering them a new kind of multisensory experience and bringing fun in playing without seeing :)
Zipzoo - textile meccano (2009) - Balansing on the edge between the world of people without sight and the sighted ones resulted into development of a textile „meccano“, combining play and exploration through the feel or touch of different fillings as well as manipulation with zippers and beads. Acoustic qualities were not neglected as certain movements led to a shifting of the inner filling materials and produced a pleasing rain-like noise and the random clash of wooden balls delighted with nice soft sounds.
A need for exercise in lives of many children without vision motivated me to design an object that would reward adequate motion with enjoyable acoustic results. A key moment came while experimenting with hexagonal shapes of crayons, and realizing that that could lead to a main principle in the production of a surprising rattling sound. The current object is a playful device encouraging fine motor movements, which has also potential as a stress-reducing object.
"FLORAL" modular fireplace (2009) - Fireplace as a dominant exterior element. Simple pyramidal shape with suble twig-shaped decorative pattern on a side that can occasionally serve as a storage shelf.
STYLIZATION (2003) - The beetle-body offers a variety of contradictions. It's fine wings are in contrast to it's dangerous-looking horns and although the beetle is pretty small, in some cases can frighten you a lot!
VARIABLE OBJECT (2004) - Four parts fit together as joint- parts. Playful form and bright colours inspire to play and "force" to find always newer variations.
Ivana Lencakova Prague, Czech Republic