Medieval Characters based on the works of Chaucer - Old Course Work during the summer, I used the illustrations for poster designs.
Decretive boarder - Another piece of design for coursework
Knight & prostitute - Medieval Characters. A knight & prostitute.
Medieval Illustration - A monk, prostitute and sailors standing on the dock
The Knight & Hag - A knight falls in love with an old ugly hag
Ghost House - A house next to me. Old and empty.
An Old farm in kent - Herondon farm, near Eastry in kent. Ink drawing
the kat - unfinished
Sketchbook Work UCA - Works which reflect the field of self development.
Sketchbook Work UCA
Sketchbook work UCA
Old buildings - 15 min drawings at night. Standing on Corners.
An Ancient house in Wingham - Felt tip sketch from an uncomfortable position. In the car, very cold.
Home - Ink drawing
Bankhouse - Home, INK Drawing
James Stenhouse
Mr James Stenhouse eastry, United Kingdom