Nature Photography
Camila, 2007 - Digitalized Negative B/W , 2007
Lotto, 2003 - Digital photography, 2003 Fotografia digitalizada, 2003
Cross, 2003 - Digital photography
Unititled, 1994 - B/W photography Fotografia digitalizada, original en negativo B/N
Hands, 2003 - Digital Photography
The Moon
Extremos - hand painted photography
Arriero (Carrier), Colombia,1996 - Photography B/W hand colored Fotografia B/N, retocada a mano en el original.
Sutamarchan, Boyaca, 1996 - Photography B/W hand colored Fotografia retocada a mano, 1997
New York
Quindío, Colombia
Lagunas de Siecha, Colombia
Guatavita - Road to Guatavita
Guatavita - Road to Guatavita
Calle en Barichara - B&W 35 mm
old neighborhood, Bogota, Colombia
Javier Carreno
Professional Design Bogota, Colombia