Gamer Nation - Cover - I was tasked with creating several pages of a magazine layout as part of my computer graphics course at USU. Having my choice of magazines to redesign or emulate, I predictably chose to create a fictional gaming magazine. This is the cover design. Original Art owned by Visceral Games and EA Interactive.
Gamer Nation - Contents - I was tasked with creating several pages of a magazine layout as part of my computer graphics course at USU. Having my choice of magazines to redesign or emulate, I predictably chose to create a fictional gaming magazine. This is the contents page. Original artwork, characters and logos used to create banner graphics are owned by Visceral Games, Eidos, Bioware, 2K Studios, and Epic Games.
Gamer Nation - Deus Ex Article - I was tasked with creating several pages of a magazine layout as part of my computer graphics course at USU. Having my choice of magazines to redesign or emulate, I predictably chose to create a fictional gaming magazine concept. This is an example of what an interior article might look like. Original artwork and characters owned by Eidos Interactive. Text owned by PC Gamer.
Gamer Nation - Deus Ex Article P2 - I was tasked with creating several pages of a magazine layout as part of my computer graphics course at USU. Having my choice of magazines to redesign or emulate, I predictably chose to create a fictional gaming magazine concept. This is an example of what an interior article might look like. Original artwork and characters owned by Eidos Interactive. Text owned by PC Gamer.
Gamer Nation