
minuspoon is a way how people could take less sugar without a forceful restriction, who add more sugar than needed for coffee or tee from a momentary demand or habit.

Natural sugars, for example in the fruit, is important for the human organism. The standard table sugar, however, can in large quantities listless, tired, depressed and even make them sick. Nevertheless, many people have the habit of giving always four to five spoons of sugar in their coffee or tea. At that the sweetness doesn't seem to be decisive, but the habit of always using the same number of spoons. By Minuspoon tea and coffee drinkers may continue to pursue their habit, while taking less sugar. Since there is a bulge in the middle of the spoon bowl, the sugar remains are just on the edge of the spoon, so despite the same number of spoons, de facto less sugar is added.

IKEA Foundation Design Award 2014 _winner
Core77 Design Award 2014 _Food Design _Student _Notable
Pin Up Design Award 2014 _KAID _Winner

Jeongdae Kim
Industrial Designer München, Germany