Sun & Ski Sports
Clif Shot
Hotel Planner
Newton Shoes - Video preview animated, 80% text, small images with a conversion rate higher than client expectations.
Jack In The Box Gutter Bowl. The bowling balls rolled within the animation. New program with The Active Network for added value to Jack's Campaign.
Ragnar Relay Series
Active Lifestyle Panel
New River
Free Training Plans
Zooma Atlanta
Big Kahuna
New Mexico Marathon
Bicycle Tour of Colorado
savings comp
Get in Gear
Kinder Care
Emails for Active

90 percent live text, images under 40K some animated. Product images rotated through 3 products and the snowflakes slowly fell.
This Campaign had a small open rate and a huge ROI. Design time: 2 hours

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Jeremy Norton
Print & Web Designer / Online Ads and Email Specialist SAN DIEGO, CA