Tea-Hee Book

Tea-Hee is a playful and lighthearted self-written, hand bound book designed as a personal, informal reference guide for tea lovers and enthusiasts alike. It introduces readers into the world of tea and its craft through three chapters that paint a picture on the culture and craft of tea making. It sets a friendly and approachable tone through inviting colors and organic lines; yet does not compromise the technical and instructional side of tea-making by involving a mechanical and systematic visual approach with hard-edged illustrations, vector based infographic visuals.

The craftsmanship involved in producing the book is one that is inspired by the art of tea making, a slow and patient process that calls for hands-on technique and creation. It features a handmade hardcover of canvas fabric and illustration board. The book is coptic bound, featuring four sigatures.

Jiani Lu
Graphic Designer / Photographer Toronto, Canada