Total Aerial System Physical Model - Final year thesis, multi functional compact aerial fire appliance.
Total Aerial System - A conceptual design for a multipurpose fire appliance throwing away preconceived ideas on how a emergency truck is constructed and integrated semantic and human features to enhance the idea.
Total Aerial System - A conceptual design for a multipurpose fire appliance throwing away preconceived ideas on how a emergency truck is constructed and integrated semantic and human features to enhance the idea.
Total Aerial System - A conceptual design for a multipurpose fire appliance throwing away preconceived ideas on how a emergency truck is constructed and integrated semantic and human features to enhance the idea.
Total Aerial System - A conceptual design for a multipurpose fire appliance throwing away preconceived ideas on how a emergency truck is constructed and integrated semantic and human features to enhance the idea.
Conceptual Design

This is a small collection of some older works, please contact me for up to date information!

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Jonathan Pidwell
Owner of Imsinne Gmbh and Jon & John Design Germany