table talk

In a time where we are constantly under the oppression of hastiness, lack of time and anonymity, the act of having dinner together, enjoying a discussion and exchanging our daily thoughts appears more and more secondary. The tablecloth „Table Talk“ is born from the idea of bringing this cultural ritus back to life and be part of our every day routine. The cloth we have designed here is not only decorative and functional; it is also enhanced by a communicative component. While changing its pattern according to the flow of conversation, it becomes a symbol and integral part of our social interaction.

In the cloth‘s pattern, the course of our conversation is mirrored.To achieve this visual reaction, several miniature microphones registrate the acoustics around it und direct this signal to electric panels of fabric. Those will heat up, making the thermochrome colour of the fabric transparent.

This project was made in a cooperation with Claudia Pineda de Castro