Iron Bird - While at Cox Arboretum, I saw this sculpture on a porch. I was intrigued by the contrast between pure white and rust (purity and contamination-how we are born pure but life contaminates us).
Wood Sculpture - I made this wood sculpture for my 3D class and eventually it went into my portfolio. I love the shadows and detail/depth of field on this shot. The contrast catches the eye.
Beer Taps
Touch The Earth at Pennsic - These are some items sold at a shop called Touch The Earth. Love these people and everything they sell :)
The Amazing Mary - A belly dancer named Mary at Pennsic. I had a difficult time setting my camera because I don't know what I am doing most of the time but she was so intriguing I had to include at least one shot of her.
Man In The MIrror - While riding in a side car with my camera, I shot this depth of field photo with my Nikon D200. I love leather and bikers...
Biker - I love taking shots of people when they are unaware. I did get permission for this one.
AC and the Chu-Man - Two of my friends who have very distinct characters. I love to shoot photos of people and bring out their character.
Tranquility - I shot this so when I am rich and famous I can afford to have someone build this in my back yard. Ha ha. At Cox Arboretum, I shot this because of the sunlight and water movement.
Stone Flower - At Cox Arboretum, there are many different things to see. I love the contrast between the soft petals of the flora and fauna and the harsh reality of the stone...yin and yang.
Brattonsville - While at a re-enactment in South Carolina, one morning I looked up to see this tranquil view.
Butterfly House - I took this at Cox Arboretum while learning how to use my new camera. I love bold colors and was amazed at the capabilities for this camera.
Family Portrait - Some friends of mine while hiking. After a while they forget the camera is there and I was able to get some very candid shots. I thought this would be cute for their Christmas card...

This is a collection of my favorite photos I've taken in the last couple of years.

Kate Geiger
Freelance Graphic Design/ Photography Dayton, OH