Attractions Development
Attractions Frame Line - This line concept was chosen for our January 2006 Gift Catalog. I brainstormed the concept, recommended the formats (frames, boxes, magnet sets and tealights) and designed the shapes. The patternwork was assigned to a freelance artist. The name "Attractions" developed due the magnets design feature throughout the line. [All Materials is Property of DEMDACO]
Petal Pin Development
Petal Pins Accessory Line - coming soon!
Between the Lines Bookmarks - coming soon!
Shape Exploration
Pocket Sketchbook - I like to carry a small sketchbook with me just in case inspiration strikes!
Kitchen Line Concept - Concept board created for a new Kitchen themed Gift line. Boards combine color and material research with product formats and pricing estimates. [Image is Property of DEMDACO]
Vase Line Concept - Concept board created for a new Vase line. Boards combine color and material research with product formats and pricing estimates. [Image is Property of DEMDACO]
Travel Line Concept - Concept board created for a Travel-oriented line. Boards combine color and material research with product formats and pricing estimates. [Image is Property of DEMDACO]
Product Design & Concepts
Kate Harris
Junior Creative Product Manager/Designer Lawrence, KS