A "Joule Thief" circuit allowing a 1.5v battery to power a 3.3V white LED using a hand-wound toroidal transformer and transistor to act as a DC-DC boost converter.
Underside of the soldering
Powered on!
Audio amplifier
Using different operational amplifiers to create a scale that can self-zero
Pulse-width modulation for motor speed control
Line following robot built using Arduino and 2 bi-directional motors. Placed in the top 10 out of 65ish team in our class!
The path for our robot to follow. Had to account for curves, right angles, gaps in the lines, and navigating getting stuck in possible infinite loops.
Electronic Projects

Multiple electronic projects involving circuit design, soldering, and breadboarding for useful applications. Made for my MIT 2.678 Lab, Electronics for Mechanical Systems.

Kendall Helbert
Student at MIT Cambridge, MA