Lifestyle [FOOD] - Design and production
Lifestyle [LUXURY] - Complete redesign, monthly design and production.
Lifestyle [Journal] - Redesign (comps) only, since the project is not launched.
Lifestyle [SPA/FITNESS] - Complete redesign, monthly design and production.
Interiors [HOME DESIGN] - Interior redesign of Custom Builder magazine.
Interiors [KITCHEN BATH] - Complete redesign of Kitchen & Bath Business magazine. OZZIE winner.
Interiors [LIGHTING] - Complete redesign of LD+A magazine from the IESNA. Award winner.
Interiors [LUXURY] - Complete redesign of Luxury K&B and Build It Homeplans magazine.
Music [ROCK] - Layout for Revolver magazine
Music [HEAVY METAL] - Layout for Revolver magazine
Interiors [GARDEN] - Layout for Connecticut Cottage & Gardens
Kim Katz
Graphic Designer Fort Lauderdale, FL