Lane Bryant sale ads - 3 options for Lane Bryant sale ads. Could be used as full length banners inside the store or around a shopping mall or be placed in a magazine or website.
Ads for Women's Rights - A B&W and color ad for the Association for Women's Rights in Development.
Autumn Hills Care Center brochure - A multi-page layout for a nursing home brochure.
An ad to answer all the concerns of people who prefer to be "green." This is a double-sided ad, so you would see the "concern" then turn the page and find the "solution."
Torso - Cast of a friend's torso made from plaster bandages. Connected at the sides by black shoelaces to replicate "stitches." This was made for a local band, Torso Takes Silver, as a table display for merch sales during shows.
Various Projects

These are various projects I have worked on to display my skills, these were not done as contract jobs.

Katherine Tackett
Katherine Tackett Pittsburgh, PA