Rice & Beans - Business Logo / Client: Rice & Beans
KRIS10HAUS - Business Logo / Client: me!
Bike!Bike! LA - These are button graphics for a campaign to bring the conference "Bike!Bike!" to Los Angeles *NOTE* the lower left hand button is styled after the bike share logo of Bolzano, Italy / Client: The Bicycle Kitchen
4 Handkerchiefs - These patterns were printed on linen, cut out & edged for a wedding favor *NOTE* the bird graphic was designed by my grandmother, Viola Erickson, in 1933. Also, the green pattern is based on a 1978 drawing by artist Sharon Hobart / Client: me!
Thank You So Much! - Thank you card - front - *NOTE* the bird graphic was designed by my grandmother, Viola Erickson, in 1933 / Client: me!
Do-It-FOREVER! - This is the front and back of a business size fundraising card. *NOTE* the logo located inside the house is by artist Aaron Kuehn / Client: The Bicycle Kitchen
Marmalade Lable - This is a label for jars of homemade marmalade / Client: me!
Wedding Invitation - These are graphics for a letterpress wedding invitation Client: me!
Square Is How We Roll - This is a poster for a fundraising square dance *NOTE* the logo that is inside of the house is by artist Aaron Kuehn / Client: The Bicycle Kitchen
Graphic Works

I love creating with patterns, shapes, fonts + colors!

Kristen Erickson
Designer & Maker Los Angeles, CA