signatures magazine 2007 cover/package - signatures magazine is a yearly art & literature magazine published in rochester, ny. this year i was solely in charge of the design of the magazine, and decided to make a special edition. this issue is unbound and holds 40 individual postcards, each showcasing one piece of art or literature. The cover folds around the stack of cards creating a sort of portfolio. The info on the inside cover contains the masthead, letter from the editor, thankyous, and a list of contributors.
aging beautifully postcard - signatures magazine is a yearly art & literature magazine published in rochester, ny. this year i was solely in charge of the design of the magazine, and decided to make a special edition. this issue is unbound and holds 40 individual postcards, each showcasing one piece of art or literature. shown is the front and back of one card. each card was specifically designed to reflect the artwork or literature it showcased.
affordable choices postcard - signatures magazine is a yearly art & literature magazine published in rochester, ny. this year i was solely in charge of the design of the magazine, and decided to make a special edition. this issue is unbound and holds 40 individual postcards, each showcasing one piece of art or literature. shown is the front and back of one card. each card was specifically designed to reflect the artwork or literature it showcased.
the tastefully erotic sonnet postcard - signatures magazine is a yearly art & literature magazine published in rochester, ny. this year i was solely in charge of the design of the magazine, and decided to make a special edition. this issue is unbound and holds 40 individual postcards, each showcasing one piece of art or literature. shown is the front and back of one card. each card was specifically designed to reflect the artwork or literature it showcased.
i am moon postcard - signatures magazine is a yearly art & literature magazine published in rochester, ny. this year i was solely in charge of the design of the magazine, and decided to make a special edition. this issue is unbound and holds 40 individual postcards, each showcasing one piece of art or literature. shown is the front and back of one card. each card was specifically designed to reflect the artwork or literature it showcased.
questions postcard - signatures magazine is a yearly art & literature magazine published in rochester, ny. this year i was solely in charge of the design of the magazine, and decided to make a special edition. this issue is unbound and holds 40 individual postcards, each showcasing one piece of art or literature. shown is the front and back of one card. each card was specifically designed to reflect the artwork or literature it showcased.
Signatures Magazine - Print
Kristen Villalongo
art director / graphic designer Atkinson, NH