Banner created for BRM's employee incentive program, "Peak Performance" (P3). For this campaign, the Business Records Management logo was re-imagined as an eagle soaring beyond a mountaintop pinnacle. The two posters below were a part of this campaign as well and were intended to, stylistically, pay homage to WWII-era Russian graphic design.
Invitation mockups for the PRISM trade show afterparty, hosted by BRM. The 2009 PRISM tradeshow took place in proximity to the Daytona 500 -- the trade show theme and resulting invitations were intended to play off of that. This is a PDF document. Please click to view both concepts.
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Invitation to annual BRM-sponsored golf tournament. This is a PDF document. Please click to see the full invitation.
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Records Retention Workshop invitation. This is a PDF file. Please click to view the full document.
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BRM form implementation example. During my time at Business Records Management, I applied recently revised design standards to most BRM forms, helping create more unified presentation to customers and internally.
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Business Records Management

Developed striking and functional marketing materials in line with BRM's current branding efforts. Manipulated digital images, created original layouts and generated custom graphics for web and print using industry-standard software. Although a temporary assignment, was given substantial responsibility and latitude for developing concepts. Consistently elicited positive response from clients and other employees.