Logo positive/negative space and color implementations. The original thought was to play off of the orange/crimson of the Etsy.com logo, as the series of market events was indirectly linked.
HTML email collateral generated to promote the "Handmade Holiday and Happy Hour", a December 2008 Citycraft Market event.
Event card, printed collateral generated to promote the "Handmade Holiday and Happy Hour", a December 2008 Citycraft Market event. This is a PDF document. Please click to view the full card.
View PDF
HTML email collateral generated to promote the original Citycraft Market event, April 2008.
Event card, printed collateral generated to promote the original Citycraft Market event, April 2008.
Citycraft Market

Designed logo, online and printed collateral for a new series of community-driven retail craft shows in Pittsburgh. Was instrumental in organizing and deploying corresponding ad campaigns for 2008 shows which included e-mail, blogging and printed avenues.