Interactive learning tool for children - SwapIT offers children an opportunity to use computer technology in a new different way. Usually, computers and computer games are an activity where you sit still and have to watch a computer screen. SwapIT gives the opportunity to design your own game with computer technology as an ingredient instead of a tool. SwapIT is designed for children in the age 6-8.
Interactive Concrete - This is a new way to use prefab construction in architecture. Light and images can travel through the concrete by integrating fiber optics. This opens up a whole new world within architecture. Designed in collaboration with Innovation Lab
See-mi Technology - Warning display at dangerous junctions Design of a warning display to prevent right-turn accidents involving bicycles and lorries. The See-mi technology facilitates communication between lorries, bicycles and traffic lights at dangerous junctions. By means of this communication, the driver of a right-turning lorry is made aware of the risk of cyclists on his right side. This gives the driver an additional chance of avoiding dangerous situations.
Interactive Design
Line Langballe
Innovation, Interaction and Function Copenhagen, Denmark