Lingjiaohu Park (Wuhan, China) -- Conceptual Analysis
Lingjiaohu Park (Wuhan, China) -- Conceptual & Master Plan
Lingjiaohu Park (Wuhan, China) -- Planting & Site Plan
Lingjiaohu Park (Wuhan, China) -- Aerial Perspectives
Lewiston Riverfront Park ( Idaho, US) -- Site Analysis & Master Plan
Functional & Section Plan & Aerial Perspective & Detailed Design of Landscape Nodes
Salish Language Center -- (Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana, US)
Contrabands & Freedmen's Cemetery Memorial Design (Virginia, US)
City of Liberty Lake Community Arboretum -- Site Inventory
City of Liberty Lake Community Arboretum -- Site Analysis
City of Liberty Lake Community Arboretum -- Planting Plan
City of Liberty Lake Community Arboretum -- Conceptual Plan
City of Liberty Lake Community Arboretum -- Master Plan
City of Liberty Lake Community Arboretum -- Section Plan and Perspectives
5.12 Earthquake Memorial Park Design (Sichuan, China) -- Site Inventory & Analysis
5.12 Earthquake Memorial Park Design (Sichuan, China) -- Conceptual Plan
5.12 Earthquake Memorial Park Design (Sichuan, China) -- Master Plan
5.12 Earthquake Memorial Park Design (Sichuan, China) -- Planting Plan
5.12 Earthquake Memorial Park Design (Sichuan, China) -- Section & Perspective Plan
Park Design
Linjun Yang
Landscape Architect Miami, FL