Magazine - Magazine "Impacientes", distributed in all clinical and waiting areas of the country.
Magazine - Magazine "Impacientes", distributed in all clinical and waiting areas of the country.
Artistic Portfolio - Artistic Portfolio´s Candelaria Machado. Currently Director of the Academy of Dance Candy Jazz. Choreographer and artistic adviser, with excellent professional experience nationally and internationally.
Artistic Portfolio
Artistic Portfolio
Artistic Portfolio
Artistic Portfolio
Artistic Portfolio
Manual de Tiendas NY&CO - Shop Manual for NY & CO, National and International level. In the real estate redesign of each one of them. Designs by: Jose Antonio Montenegro (Industrial Designer)
Manual NY & CO´s Stores
Manual NY & CO´s Stores
Manual NY & CO´s Stores
Catalogo SWATCH - Catalog for online sports watch brand Swatch. Designing with a line graph in full functionality of each product in extreme sports.
SWATCH´s Catalog
SWATCH´s Catalog
SWATCH´s Catalog
Maite Moreau
Graphic and Industrial Designer Caracas, Venezuela