Feathers - watercolor
Fuchsia Feathers - watercolor
Butterfly Wings - watercolor
Dragonfly Wings - watercolor
Moth Wings - watercolor
Jewels - watercolor
Diamond Jewel - watercolor
Shades of Lavender Floral - pencil and watercolor
Fiery Floral - pencil and watercolor
Cobalt Floral - pencil and watercolor
Flowers - watercolor
Flowers - watercolor
Berries and Vines - watercolor
Venus Fly Traps - watercolor
Ferns - watercolor
Venus Vine - watercolor
Butterfiles - watercolor
Vines - watercolor
Geometric Birds - watercolor
Drips - watercolor
Bubble Print - Hand painted, acrylic
New Orleans - Oil on canvas. 4' X 4'
Victorian Girl - Acrylic on canvas. 24" X 36"
Victorian Girl (detail) - Acrylic on canvas. 24" X 36'