attention of the harp song - Part of Oil painting Series "De- composition of Orpheus", a re-telling of the story
the three graces - Part of Oil painting Series "De- composition of Orpheus", a re-telling of the story
Ligado de Orpheus
harmonic resolution - Part of Oil painting Series "De- composition of Orpheus", a re-telling of the story
coda - Part of Oil painting Series "De- composition of Orpheus", a re-telling of the story
las tias - Part of Oil painting Series "De- composition of Orpheus", a re-telling of the story
The pilgrimage. Oil on Canvas. 56-67inches. 2005
Decomposition of Orpheus

First series of Oil Paintings that I explored through the visual, musical song, and temporal sound. Based off the Ovid tale of Orhpeus, being a musician and a just recently a painter, I was drawn to the story, as my life was finding itself a new beginning.

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Mario Savinon
Graphic Painter New York, NY