Bliss Tea Website - Website done for Bliss Tea Co. The layout has a very simple grid with warm colors and a frame of foliage graphics that conveys with the overall concept of a refreshing, organic and healthy drink.
First Bliss Tea concept - This was the first concept done for Bliss tea. The distribution of the elements is similar to the final product; however the concept here was more on the direction of representing the ancient history of tea and, at the same time, creating a contrast with the urban social sphere where the product is going to be consumed.
Ntreeo Website - Ntreeo is a design collective thats still under gestation. I was asked to make a functioning mockup of the project. So I decided to add very illustrative objects and build something that can be fun to watch and to navigate.
O3 web store - O3 is a sunglasses digital store that is still under construction. My role on this project was only to create an appealing visual interface thats easy to navigate but that could also show in an effective way the catalog of designer brands that the store has to offer.
No rest for the wicked - Very often I challenge myself with more personal compositions, where I have more freedom and can experiment with the multiple resources that we digital designers have. This piece was inspired indirectly from an article I read couple of weeks ago in the Colors Magazine about the island Nauru and its principal resource: bat leftovers. So I tried to adapt the concept of a floating island made of organic residues into an illustration.
The Treshold Prophecy Album Cover - The TP is heavy rock band that ask me to design a cover art work for their 3rd Ep. The art work is heavily inspired by Storm Thorgerson.
Illustration - Open concept illustration made on a very happy day!!.
Personal poster - Illustration using typography.
Mark Bertran
Jr Visual Designer Brooklyn, NY