..........................Hen-pecked husband ........................................................ To hold your horses
Illustrations from my Kindle book 'Idioms and Phrases'. Check it out at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0086L8MY6
...... ..................... To catch the sun .................................................To drive someone up the wall
Pages from my e-book on Kindle 'Comic Comics'. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007AMQPNM
Visit my author page at http://www.amazon.co.uk/martin-pierce/e/B007TN8A3A
comics and cartoons

A few of my cartoons of well-known idioms plus a few of my comic ideas. See the e-book section for more details

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Martin Pierce piercepix@gmail.com
artist, illustrator and children's poet and short story writer Bournemouth, United Kingdom