A fruit holder designed to encourage people to eat more fruit. It does not just store the fruit away as a bowl does, instead they are displayed clearly and iconically in a minimalistic tree form.
A fruit holder designed to encourage people to eat more fruit. It does not just store the fruit away as a bowl does, instead they are displayed clearly and iconically in a minimalistic tree form.
A fruit holder designed to encourage people to eat more fruit. It does not just store the fruit away as a bowl does, instead they are displayed clearly and iconically in a minimalistic tree form.
A fruit holder designed to encourage people to eat more fruit. It does not just store the fruit away as a bowl does, instead they are displayed clearly and iconically in a minimalistic tree form.
Keep it Cool Fruit Holder

A fun project exploring fruit storage in the kitchen, whilst also trying to promoted healthy eating and the '5 a day' campaign.


Terracotta tree which absorbs water from the base and as it evaporates causes it to cool, which in turn cools the fruit.

Martin Newland
Product Design United Kingdom