Interaction Research - An illustrator storyboard to display the modern approach to drinking tea, the english cuppa.
Whittard Fruit Tea Set Poster - A simple poster to visually communicate the new Whittard fruit tea set. Illustrating the aim to connect the in-store sensual experience with the interaction at home with the new product range.
Whittard fruit tea set - A new tea set designed specifically for Whittard of Chelsea, to enhance their current fruit tea range. Key idea is to slow the tea drinking experience by incorporating a traditional tea light to keep tea hot in a modern way. The set treats all of the senses through heat, colour, smell and taste all being enhanced - All key aims of the Whittard of Chelsea company.
Whittard fruit tea set

Whittard of Chelsea is a specialist tea company, who due to easy to use teabags are not financially doing well.
This project aimed to create a unique user experience that cannot be achieved with simple tea bags.


The new glass design allows you to watch the tea/fruit infusing and shows off the colours.


The worst part of loose tea is the hassle and the mess. This is solved with the simple mesh that sits perfectly inside the cup, and when the tea i brewed how you like it simply remove it as ou would a normal tea bag.


Fruit teas are nice when hot, but as they get colder they can become sickly.
This design enables to tea to be kept warm using a simple 'tea light'.... sometimes the old ways are still the best.
This means that the user can drink the tea as slowly as they feel and it will not go cold.

Martin Newland
Product Design United Kingdom