Customer satisfaction statistics for Dialego, a market research firm.
Infographic for German research firm. This graphic explains the differences people see between "regional" and "organic", the perceived importance of product groups and the likelihood that the consumer will spend more money for products labeled organic or regional.
Information graphic for Competency Crisis
Information Graphic for Tanning Website
Infographic for a travel service provider.
Chart set for solar industry development
Chart set for solar industry development
Chart set for solar industry development
Chart set for solar industry development
Building Information Modeling (BIM) information graphics
Building Information Modeling (BIM) information graphics
Building Information Modeling (BIM) information graphics
Building Information Modeling (BIM) information graphics
"The Bellmen" Custom clip-art based on architect sketches.
"The Bellmen" Custom clip-art based on architect sketches.
"The Bellmen" Custom clip-art based on architect sketches.
"The Bellmen" Custom clip-art based on architect sketches.
"The Bellmen" Custom clip-art based on architect sketches.
Clip art vehicles
Business Information Graphics

Clip art elements, information graphics, charts, etc.

Mary Goodwater
Graphic Design + Multimedia Artist Portland, OR