Numerique, Front pocket - The Numerique is a type made of numbers, with the help of a normograph. The original numbers are stencil. Every letter combines numbers, except for the punctuation and the accents. The type is in two styles, normal and " coloree " (in color). The Numerique coloree is a version that shows how the letter was constructed.
Numerique normal - The Numerique is a type made of numbers, with the help of a normograph. The original numbers are stencil. Every letter combines numbers, except for the punctuation and the accents. The type is in two styles, normal and " coloree " (in color). The Numerique coloree is a version that shows how the letter was constructed.
Numerique coloree - The Numerique is a type made of numbers, with the help of a normograph. The original numbers are stencil. Every letter combines numbers, except for the punctuation and the accents. The type is in two styles, normal and " coloree " (in color). The Numerique coloree is a version that shows how the letter was constructed.
Booklet / Front cover - The Numerique book [front cover] is a presentation of the font.
Numerique table - On the back cover of the Numerique book, there's a table that informs about the numerical combination of each letter.
Statistics / Booklet # 2 - This book is a " step by step" construction of the Numerique type. The diagram illustrates, in percent, how frequent a number was used in the construction of the Numerique type. The numbers 1, 7 and 2 are the most employed. On the contrary, the 8 was never used
Gribouillage - Illustration that presents the Numerique type. Its construction is based on numbers from a normograph.
Numerique Type
Minh Anh Vo
Graphic Designer New York City, NY