Sketchbook Creation - One of my own sketchbook creations, digitized and modified in Photoshop & Illustrator
Sketchbook Creation - Integration of my own sketchbook and photo creations, digitized and modified in Photoshop & Illustrator
Dispaly Panels - One of several in-store shelf display panels for video game projects © 2005 Nintendo / © NAMCO, © 2005 KONAMI
SQUARE ENIX PRESS - One example of many game brochures sent to stores throughout Japan advertising a new, featured game © 1999, 2006 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. ALL Rights Reserved.
Title Pops - Four of many 3D pop-up game displays distributed to over 700 retail stores © 2005 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. ALL Rights Reserved.
Shinwa Co. Window Display - 5.5' x 5.5' signage project for downtown Nagoya, Japan storefront (sole designer) © Shinwa Co.
BIBI CLUB Brochure - Monthly health magazine sent directly to customers (contracted as in-house designer)© Global International Co
Miz's Work
Mizuho Tanaka
Graphic Designer Seattle, WA