(Folder cover)
Service Identity
Service offering Map
Concept 01
Concept 02
Pocket Care Scenario; Package 1: Optical Care
Pocket Care Scenario
Pocket Care Scenario
Pocket care Scenario
Package 2: Dental Care
Prototyping Strategies
Staff Testing
Patient Testing
Local business testing
Future Development
Thank you!
Welfare Italia

Our project focuses on diffusing the care provided by Welfare Italia. We want to encourage healthy lifestyles to the people outside of the clinics also by promoting the service and communicating the mission Welfare Italia supports. We believe by reaching the potential patients before they have need of the service will attract community members and gain their support. We want to deliver information in an intriguing and informative manner while also demonstrating genuine care for their health and overall wellbeing. To do this we have created (We)care packages which can be distributed in local pharmacies and have designed pop-up clinics that can provide information and physicians once a year.

5 Key words: Prevention, Care, Diffusion, Community, and Collaboration

Accomplished at Domus Academy, March 2012
Director: Elena Pacenti
Project Leader: Mario Trimarchi
Assistant: Nicole Neuberger
Team Members: Yu-Shin Chen, Rossella Piccaluga