The antenna which comes out from the device allows, it to communicate with radio stations, so the user will never be bored and, on the top of the antenna is an LED, which is useful, e.g. if you and your friend get lost in a club, your friend could effortlessly, find you from your radiating glow, also useful in the dark, (sheds lights on your way home).
The product intended to be packaged in a blister pack which is inexpensive and strong, and the main feature the product focuses on, is ‘superior sound, safer sound’, to attract potential consumers, in purchasing it.
My concept is relatively simple; the device is shaped as an ‘H’, and looks similar to some Bluetooth headsets, and all the electronics is inside the shape. The device allows the user ease of use, as it hardly falls out of the ear, and need minimal re-adjusting, thanks to the loop which goes behind the ear to provide functional support.
RNID - Earplug Design Project

‘Generate various concepts to help make earplugs more attractive to the demographic that regularly go clubbing, and have the potential for future hearing problems.’

This project gave me the opportunity to experiment and fully understand smart materials especially rapid prototyping. One vital aspect that I learnt from this project was the significance of eco-friendly design. This has completely changed my perceptions, about the design of products, to the point where I recycle objects daily and try to integrate sustainability into all my new design projects.

Neepun Goyal
Creative Digital Marketer London, United Kingdom