Second Class Interior Design - During my internship at The Brand Company (BDDP Group in France) I had the chance to work on a new interior design proposal of the TGV atlantique (310 000 Euros of budget). I worked with a great team and I was: -Lead designer in charge of the design of the tables for the 1st and 2nd class, fold down tray of the seats, luggage racks and bike storing -Design partner for the follow up of the seats with Recaro (Germany)
Second Class Table Design - During my internship at The Brand Company (BDDP Group in France) I had the chance to work on a new interior design proposal of the TGV atlantique (310 000 Euros of budget). I worked with a great team and I was: -Lead designer in charge of the design of the tables for the 1st and 2nd class, fold down tray of the seats, luggage racks and bike storing -Design partner for the follow up of the seats with Recaro (Germany)
First Class Table - During my internship at The Brand Company (BDDP Group in France) I had the chance to work on a new interior design proposal of the TGV atlantique (310 000 Euros of budget). I worked with a great team and I was: -Lead designer in charge of the design of the tables for the 1st and 2nd class, fold down tray of the seats, luggage racks and bike storing -Design partner for the follow up of the seats with Recaro (Germany)
First Class Back Seat Design - During my internship at The Brand Company (BDDP Group in France) I had the chance to work on a new interior design proposal of the TGV atlantique (310 000 Euros of budget). I worked with a great team and I was: -Lead designer in charge of the design of the tables for the 1st and 2nd class, fold down tray of the seats, luggage racks and bike storing -Design partner for the follow up of the seats with Recaro (Germany)
Transport for High Speed Train TGV, France, at The Brand Company

Internship: Industrial designer, 4 months /
Team working on the new interior design of the Atlantic TGV (310 000 Euros of budget): design of the fold down tray, luggage racks, and bike storing design elements, definition the color gamut, responsible for the follow-up of the seats with RECARO

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Nicolas MELAN
Industrial designer, business minded holistic value creator Zhongshan, China