"Sticks and Stones" Pen and Ink Concept Sketch with Digital Rendering
" I'm getting too old for this." Pen & Ink Concept Sketch with Photoshop Rendering
Pen & Ink Concept Sketch with rendering in Photoshop
Drone Concept - Pen and Ink Sketch with Digital Overpainting
Pen and ink sketch and final digitally painted concept. A futuristic architectural environment.
Pen and Ink Concept Sketch - Forest Mech in the undergrowth. Rapid Vis on A2 newsprint with marker rendering.
Pen and Ink Character Concept Sketch. Warm Grey Marker Rendering - Sancho Panza's Donkey.
Flight Concepts. Pen and Ink Concept Sketch with Digital Rendering
Concept Sketch on Sketchbook Pro
A Pigeon Problem - Pen and Ink Concept Sketch with Loose Marker Rendering Flight concept discussion.
Pen and Ink Sketch Rapid Viz - Flight Concepts
Pen and Ink Concept Sketch ( Working in Progress Image.) Trawler
Pen and Ink Concept Sketch ( Working in Progress Image.) Open Water
Mobile Traffic Light Design Pen and Ink Sketch with Digital Rendering
Rapid Concept on Sketchbook Pro. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m4ijE3DVas
Pen and Ink Sketches with Digital Overpainting as Environmental Concepts for a Games Proposal
Pen and Ink Concept Sketch ( Working in Progress Image.) Corral
Pen and Ink Concept Sketch ( Working in Progress Image.) The Pallisade
Pen and Ink Concept Sketch ( Working in Progress Image.) Back Passage
Pen and Ink Concept Sketch ( Working in Progress Image.) High Rampart
Digital Concept Orthographic Views of Nerf Guns. Hypothetical proposal to cross market between Nerf and Borderlands
Dock - Pen & Ink Concept Sketch with Quick Digital Rendering
Pen and Ink and Digital Sketches Space Junk.
Pen and Ink Sketch with Marker Rendering Plantary Miner ( Rapid Viz .)
Pen and Ink Sketch with Marker Rendering Plantary Miner ( Rapid Viz .)
Pen and Ink Sketch - Digital Overpainting Set Dressing Detail
Digital Concept Sketches

A selection of quick pen and ink concept sketches with a mixture of marker and digital rendering on a various themes.

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Nigel Gough
Director - Nigel Gough Illustrations Brisbane, Australia