Love Letters, Detail - This series of shadow boxes illustrates twelve sets of love letters exchanged in secret by my great grandparents in India in 1898. The redesigned letters are concealed in drawers referencing Victorian writing desks and cabinets of curiosities, as well as the discretion mandated by nineteenth century rules of etiquette. The illustrations are composed of photos from my great grandparents' albums collaged with found textures and objects.
Love Letters, Detail - This series of shadow boxes illustrates twelve sets of love letters exchanged in secret by my great grandparents in India in 1898. The redesigned letters are concealed in drawers referencing Victorian writing desks and cabinets of curiosities, as well as the discretion mandated by nineteenth century rules of etiquette. The illustrations are composed of photos from my great grandparents' albums collaged with found textures and objects.
Love Letters, Installation View - The boxes tell the love story from first meeting to marriage, with twists, turns and obstacles in between.
Mary's Silhouette
Public Permission - "...but we must be careful as long as we have no public permission."
True Self - "We must be to each other as we are in our letters, not as we wish to be."
A Threat - "We will try, although it is hard, not to give him reason to carry out his threat."
Ties - "What a good thing, that those ties which connect two loving hearts cannot be seen."
A Kiss - "I could only remember that we were together and that you kissed me."
A Secret - "There is something I must find the courage to tell you, and then you will know everything about me."
Little Dove - " if a little dove of peace was sitting on my hand."
Separation - "I feel you near, although you are going farther and farther every minute."
Anticipation - "My darling, our love will grow stronger when we are together. We must always be sweethearts."
Marriage - "We will be good friends and comrades, as I think husband and wife should be." "Love is the soul of marriage, and we love each other, oh so dearly!"
Friedli's Silhouette
Freidli's Stationery
Mary's Stationery
Love Letters
Nina Reck
Graphic Designer & Illustrator Washington, DC