Letter G - A class project where you must use a letter.. Letter G are connected to each other [Designed through Illustrator]
Letter B - A class project where you must use a letter.. Letter B are connected to each other [Designed through Illustrator]
Letter J - A class project where you must use a letter.. Letter J are connected to each other [Designed through Illustrator]
BREAKFAST OF REGULAR PEOPLE - A class project where you must redesign food products that would reveal the truth about the food you eat.. WHEATIES does not make you become a champion! Anybody eats WHEATIES! The product was changed to "BREAKFAST OF REGULAR PEOPLE". My dad is on the cover of this project. [Designed through Photoshop and Quark]
Gender Signs - A class project where you must redesign gender signs.. [Designed through Illustrator]
Where's the Bait? - A class project where you must create typography with images. [Designed through Quark]
Book Cover Jacket - A class project where you must create a book jacket as a self portrait involving your feelings. [Designed through Photoshop and Quark and drawing]
Mock Magazine Cover - A class project of creating a mock magazine cover and four pages to display the talents of layout design. [Designed through Photoshop and Quark]
Mock Magazine Pages 1 and 2 - A class project of creating a mock magazine cover and four pages to display the talents of layout design. [Designed through Photoshop and Quark]
Mock Magazine Pages 3 and 4 - A class project of creating a mock magazine cover and four pages to display the talents of layout design. [Designed through Photoshop and Quark]
Nathan Zastoupil
Graphic Designer Hanover Park, IL