Home page & blog - The Institute for Dynamic Educational Advancement (IDEA) is a nonprofit organization that works to enhance scientific, artistic, and cultural literacy. The organization needed a more efficient channel for communication and a better platform to showcase its new applications. The solution was to restructure the web site around a central blog and a support section for the new IDEA apps.
iOS app landing page - The Institute for Dynamic Educational Advancement (IDEA) is a nonprofit organization that works to enhance scientific, artistic, and cultural literacy. The organization needed a more efficient channel for communication and a better platform to showcase its new applications. The solution was to restructure the web site around a central blog and a support section for the new IDEA apps.
Menu system and sidebar - The Institute for Dynamic Educational Advancement (IDEA) is a nonprofit organization that works to enhance scientific, artistic, and cultural literacy. The organization needed a more efficient channel for communication and a better platform to showcase its new applications. The solution was to restructure the web site around a central blog and a support section for the new IDEA apps.
IDEA Web Site Redesign & Blog Design
Ovidiu Ancuta
Interactive Design Consultant Iasi, Romania