Overall information architecture of the CMS. This will be a base for CMS development. This architecture includes the detail level categories/pages and the functionality
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This is the preview of vehicle listing where the vehicle will get added to cms. User can assign the category and set priority for the vehicle accordingly it will get displayed in the front end. User can also take actions like hide, edit and removing the vehicle.
Hyundai Saudi Arabia

Mohamed Yusuf Naghi Motors is a Leading Automotive Dealer in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Website focuses more on car buyers who willing to buy Hyundai car.

Goals and Challenge
Redesign the website should have customized CMS. All information to be handled through a CMS.

Admin should be able to add, hide, modify and delete the content from CMS.

Admin should be able to add car gallery, videos, 360 view, color chips, exterior and interior images, car specification, brochure, wallpapers, news, campaigns etc. Each and every little thing should be uploaded through an CMS.

CMS should be user friendly can be easily understood by the any admin.

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Prasad Marewar
Lead UX Architect Mumbai, India