UI-UX : Indian Government Website Redesign - A course in Srishti on User Interface and User Experience - aimed at understanding users and their method of interaction with an interface in the web 2.0 domain as well as creating an interface to provide a service / system to the user. The process followed to arrive at these was the main focus. It began by ideating on and deciding upon a service, which could be created or redesigned. The goal and the overarching idea were defined as a first step after research with actual or potential users.
UI-UX : Defining Personas and Scenarios - The next step was to create a set of personas from the users interviewed and to put them into specific scenarios, which would lead them to the service. The aim of creating these was to be able to define a set of functions that the user may need in relation to the service provided. The goal of every scenario was pulled out and focused upon as a precursor to the next step.
UI-UX : User Flows and Wireframes - Mapping user flows was the next step. Based on the personas and scenarios created, each scenario was mapped out as a series of steps that the user would have to follow in order to reach the desired goal. These steps were then translated onto the interface in order to map the step-by-step user interaction with the interface.
UI-UX : The Sysetm and the Look - Working as a team of two we took up a redesign of the Indian Government web space. We narrowed our focus to accessibility – redesign for navigation or outreach to the masses. The redesign included a new look but focused mainly on the services provided as well as the navigation to and through the services. Systems and services for the website were listed and we worked on about ten service systems. The project provided a studied insight into design process and user centered design practices.
UI-UX : Experimentation with Basic Coding - We also took up basic HTML coding for the web space. Experimenting with and understanting Code was the main aim in this phase of the project.
Priyanka Chaurasia
Visual Communicator Mumbai, India