Somewhere I have never travelled
Kongming lantern - <Kongming lantern> Inspiration:A custom of my hometown--we fly the Kongming lantern festivities
Leave for The Rainland - <Leave for The Rainland> Inspiration:The impressions of the novel <Hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world > written by Haruki Murakami
In Your Sightd - <In Your Sightd> Inspiration:My girfriend who urges me to draw frequently
Mrs.Raindrop - Manuscript: Pencil+Watercolour Post process: Photoshop+Painter Inspiration: A photograpgy about girl’s body in water from a Franch artist.
A Hunted Arm - <A Hunted Arm > Manuscrip:Corlour pencil Post process:Photoshop Inspiration:A photography about part of body from a Japanese photographer
Snowstorm - <Snowstorm > Manuscrip:Watercolour Post process:Photoshop Inspiration:A dream about a girl who become a tree
Eye of Universe - Manuscrip:Pencil+Watercolour Post Process:Photoshop+Illustrator Inspiration:Myth about geniture of universe and fertility cult of female
Universal hair - <Universal hair> Inspiration:An assumption of our universe is in a gigantic woman’s hair and the planets are dandruff of the woman
Digital Art-Illustration