An example of creature, defense, assist, technique, item, and attack cards.
Quick game overview.
Assortment of printed cards.
A deck with sleeves.
Front, back, and a quarter for size.
PSO3 Tabletop Card Project

The PSO3 Project started as a simple hobby to recreate the Phantasy Star Online Episode 3 digital card game into a full-on tabletop card game complete with a board, dice, and roleplaying if the players so choose. Players construct their 30 card decks from hundreds of creatures or equipment to summon or equip into battle. Players roll dice to determine availability of resources for their turn as they divvy up Action Points to troop movement, weapon load-out, or attacking. When the dust settles, the player whose Field Commander has zero HP remaining loses.

The cards are created using a mixture of Illustrator and Photoshop.

Joseph B. B....
Graphic Designer Southington, CT